Here in the Chamber of the Fayth, in every temple save Macalania which sank to the bottom of the Frozen Macalania Lake,
we’ve been asked many questions. So I Shiva, Lady Chaos’s Personal Summon have decided to take it into my own
hands to write a FAQ So we Fayth can go back to sleep. I will try to answer all of your questions concerning the two
games. I will also try to explain to the best of my ability why we the Fayth are what we are. Along with other plot holes
and other theories for the Fanfic Writer. Any ways, lets begin shall we?

Question Number One: What is Zanarkand?
Zanarkand is a City made of Machina or Machines. Zanarkand is also where the following people come from. Yunalesca, Jecht,
and Tidus. And that old Helpful Guy That tells you the Player, the back story of all of Spira. (Of course that isn’t
revealed till FFX-2. So Shhh!)
Question # 2: So Tidus and the others traveled through time?
Not Exactly. There are in fact TWO Zanarkands. The one from 1000 years ago, and the Dream Zanarkand.
Question # 3: Dream Zanarkand?
Yes, The Dream Zanarkand. The Dream Zanarkand is the Zanarkand Where Tidus and Jecht came from. They are the Dreams
of the Fayth. The Dream Zanarkand is considered by the Fayth, the great summoning. The Survivors of the Bevelle and Zanarkand
War are in fact the Fayth located just outside the ruins of Zanarkand, they are the dreaming Fayth that dream of Zanarkand
The location of the Dream Zanarkand in FFX is the large sphere of water just beside the wall of Fayth. This theory
has been thought to be correct due to the fact that at the end of the game the sphere of water disentagrated showing drops
of water with an individual person inside. One showed Tidus, the Guardian of Yuna, who as the Fayth have called "a dream."
Question # 4: So then, how did Auron Meet Tidus?
Yay! Time for a History lesson! When Tidus was just a child, His father had gone missing. Nobody ever found him.
He just poof disappeared. The date given was “Ten Years and, Three months.”
While Tidus grew up, Jecht was off fighting Fiends, and learning to be a better person, and taking pictures of
the Pilgrimage he went on with Auron and Braska. Together they Defeated Sin, Auron had some promises to keep and he became
an unsent. Due to Yunalesca striking him dead, after he sought vengence for the deaths of two of his good friends. Found
Khimari and sent him to Find Yuna, at Bevelle and bring her to Besaid Island where Yuna met Wakka, Chappu and Lulu. (And
a whole plethora of other characters.)
After doing that, according to the Game history he found Rin who took care of him for one night, and then left
to go to Zanarkand to Find Tidus. He thus raised Tidus as Tidus’ mother withered away and died.
The idea is that because Auron was an unsent (Dead/ghost type thing) was that he was able to travel though
Jecht (as he was the new sin) and went to the dream Zanarkand that way.
Question Five: Whoa. Hold on. Jecht was sin?
Yes , he was. Jecht became the Final Aeon and then turned on Braska and Killed Braska and became the new sin.
Question #6 You’re kidding right??
I can see that history will be used a-lot in this. In order for Lord Braska to gain the Final Aeon in the Ruins of Zanarkand,
he needed to choose someone to become the Aeon. Jecht Volunteered.
Question # 7: But why did he turn on Braska?
He was possessed by the entity known as Yu-Yevon. The one behind the rebirth of Sin every Ten years. After each Final
Aeon that becomes a new sin, is destroyed, the new Final Aeon is thus then also Possessed, and turns on the Summoner. That
Summoner dies. And then what is known as a Calm Begins.
Question # 8 What is a Calm?
The Calm is a time of peace without Sin. It lasts for Ten years, and during these ten years people are at peace, and
Yu Yevon regains his strength. And thus is reborn using the Final Aeon to create an armor.
Question # 9. So then how does one defeat this Yu Yevon?
Well, Jecht liked the Hymn of the Fayth. So everyone in Spira sang it to distract that part of Sin, while Tidus, and
the others in the game fought him. Eventually you meet Jecht and talk to him. You then fight him in the form known as Braska’s
Final Aeon. When he’s defeated he dies, as he is also a dream of the fayth. Then Yu Yevon makes his presence known.
Yuna then sacrificed all of the aeons in the game. Thus Yu Yevon had no where to go, and was destroyed.
During the final Sending Auron was sent to the Farplane and Tidus Disappeared. He was the Dream of the Fayth. Thus the
game ended.
Question #10: *Note* This was never covered in the Orginal FAQ, and since it applies to FFX, I decided to add it to this
part of the FAQ.
The Question it self hails from one Crystal B and she Asks: Why did Yuna Get Married?
A: Well Crystal, I had a hard time trying to write a good answer, simply because I was unsure if you meant
in the Fanfic of in FFX. So after thinking for a while I realized that Yuna wasn't Married in the Fanfic, but in FFX, to Seymore.
I still had some Problems with writing a decent answer, so I went to the lovely Live Journal Community for FFX, and asked
your question there. So Credit for this Answer goes to the people who promptly replied. Here are Their Answers,
edited of course with the proper spelling of Names.
Answer Part One: *Provided by Jumon_rakkyaku , a Live Journal User.*
Well, I think the biggest reason was to give Spira something to be happy about. I rember Lulu saying something
like "It would give Spira something happy to talk about, for a change". She also had the Sphere of Lord Jyscal, and although
the happiness was her cover, I think that she also did it so that she could try and get on the inside about the murder of
Jyscal by Seymour.
Answer Part Two: *Provided by: nabilpsyboy , in addition to the above Comment.*
Yea thats basically the reason which is to make everyone happy. Even though she knew Seymour wasn't the best
to marry, she knew the people looked up to him because he was a Mayster that was half human, half guado. So his link
to people was pretty strong in his power sense. So marrying him would be sort of like the old days when two super powers would
marry their children to bring peace. this would be bringing two powers and greatly admired/ well known people together to
help the world of spira get rid of its biggest enemy, Sin.
hope i didnt make it confusing im kinda tired....
Part Three: *Provided by Me, but not at the LJ Comm.*
I agree with these two reasons. Yet we also have to take into consideration, that after Seymore was killed in a Battle
with Yuna and her Guardians, he had become an unsent. Inshort, Yuna ended up marrying a dead half human half Guado aka, an
Unsent, and she didn't like it.
Basically by the time of the wedding, after Tidus and Crew crashed the wedding, Mayster Mica pointed out that if Yuna
tried to Send Seymore, her guradians and loyal friends would be killed. So she sacrificed herself to save her friends.
In short, what had first been a decision for the people of Spira, and trying to stop Seymore once and for all, turned
into a forced Union between Mayster Seymore, and Lady Yuna.
Thanks go to those who helped answer this particular Question.
Name: Jon Querequincia
Question: How could Yu Yevon possess the aeons if she didn't summon them?
First of all, Yu Yevon is a He. I’ll let the typo slide. Yu Yevon is Yunalescas Father.
The act of Yu Yevon possesing the Fayth in their Summoned forms is really quite simple.
Forgive me this will be a bit long in explanation. During the Machina war, the peoples of Bevelle were at Mt. Gagazet,
readying a final strike against Zanarkand. It was here that they heard what is now known as the "Hymn of the Fayth". A loud
and beautiful chorus, the soldiers panicked and ran, saying "It is a song from an otherworld!" and then Sin Appeared
and gave chase. .
A few days later, scouts braved the mountain and they saw Zanarkand, destroyed. All the peoples gone. They also saw on
Gagazet, a gathering of Fayth. Singing the song.
Rumors flew in Bevelle, they said the people of Zanarkand had become fayth and that they had called sin. They also said
the man responsible was Yu Yevon.
Now, we know Yu Yevon was a summoner. However, he must not have been alive when Sin appeared. I believe he killed himself
after the people of Zanarkand became fayth, and as an unsent fiend, (The blobby wood tick - final boss in FFX) possessed some
of the fayth gathered, and created what the Fayth in Bevelle called "His Armor".
For more information on this: I refer you to the questions below.
Name: Stanley V.
Question: How could Yu Yevon be in charge of the summoning he wasn't a fayth. And how come
Maechen the scholar did not disappear or didn't become a dream of the fayth?
To Start. Yu Yevon was the King of Zanarkand, and he himself from what I have gathered based upon back story from Maechen
in FFX, -when he was at the base of Mt. Gagazet- was most likely a summoner.
You don’t need to be a Fayth to be in charge of the final summoning. It is the Summoner that makes a pact or bond
that allows the spirit locked away in the fayth statues to take on the forms of the statues.
The process to make a fayth is a sacred ancient Yevon practice, known only to those in the temple when the Yevon Faith
was first implemented by Lady Yunalesca after she escaped from Zanarkand on the eve of Zanarkands destruction, the "The End
of the Machina War". It was she who taught the peoples of the temples the act of summoning, and sendings; and thus started
what Auron so bitterly calls the "Spiral of Death" as well as the "Teachings of Yevon"
It was also Lady Yunalesca who first destroyed Sin the first time, most likely in exchange for implementing the Yevon Faith.
She had turned her lover, Husband and guardian Lord Zaon into a fayth statue based upon their bond, and love for each other,
and he became her final summon.. Once Sin was destroyed, Yu Yevon, who’s physical body was probably already dead, possessed
the Summon and thus Lord Zaon, in his fayth form attacked and killed Lady Yunalesca.
However, since there was no summoner to perform the sending for Lady Yunalesca, she became an unsent, and became the "Harvester
of Souls" an unsent trapped in Zanarkand, waiting for future summoners to make their pilgrimage to Zanarkand and grant the
Final Summon to them.
I hope that answers this bit.
Moving on, you asked about Maechen.
I am not sure if this will be a spoiler for you or not, but you have asked a good question so I will answer it.
Maechen, is not a dream of the fayth.
He is an unsent, an old man who while in life met Lenne(FFX-2) when Zanarkand was a beautiful mechanical utopia. I am uncertain
as to how he died, probably in his sleep peacefully. However, I like to think that he had such a strong love for the histories
of Spira and its peoples that he stayed behind and became an unsent. He traveled from place to place, telling his stories.
He was not sent, at the end of FFX because he was not near what I call "Yunas last Dance" He was actually at the Besaid
Temple when she preformed it. Thus, he plays a wonderful, strong, and key role in his own side story in FFX-2. Basically,
he was a wandering spirit with many memories, and upon meeting Yuna for the last time in Zanarkand, he revealed to her, Rikku,
and Paine, -as well as several monkeys- his memories of meeting Jecht, Braska and Auron before they finished the last stretch
to Zanarkand.
After this scene he himself faded away. He wasn’t sent, he just faded away leaving pyreflies to mix and mingle with
the ones that haunt Zanarkand.
I hope these are what you’re looking answer wise, and please, if you have any more questions feel free to ask.
Ask the Fayth.
A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.)
Part Two. Loop holes and Fanfic Questions.
N ow, we will go into answering the questions concerning FFX-2, and also questions regarding why the
author wrote this fanfic this way.
Question # One: What the heck is up with Shuyin and Tidus? (Question asked by Kati. Creator of characters
Shawna and Zack.)
Well if you mean why do they look so similar I think we can explain this, but mind you it will be long winded.
1000 Years ago in the Time of the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle, there was a popular Songstress named
Lenne. Her skills as a singer, were also matched in the art of the Summoning.
Now as it states in the game, she went to go off to fight for Zanarkand in the war, between Bevelle and Zanarkand.
Now pay close attention here. She had a Lover named Shuyin. In any case, Shuyin wanted to save the life of
the Summoner Lenne, so he snuck into Bevelle’s depths in order to use Vegnagun. As he activated the large Machina weapon,
Lenne appeared to try and stop him. At that precise moment in time, The guards of Bevelle found them and Killed them. As they
were dying, Lenne told Shuyin that she loved him, but he was already dead and never heard her words. Thus they were lost to
history, and Vegnagun locked away underneath Bevell. Fast forward to the end of the Machina War between Bevell and Zanarkand.
The remaining survivors gathered together and became Fayth. (Located just outside the ruins of Zanarkand.) And preformed the
final Summoning. The eternal dream of a City that Never sleeps, a Dream Zanarkand. In theory, which works; when one thinks
about it. The Fayth dreamed up people to populate this city, and Tidus took on the Looks of Shuyin. That is why they look
the same, but that is where the similarities end. Their clothing is different, and so are their personalities.
For the Fanfic author this is probably the best explanation, and provides lots of empty details for the fanfic
author to embelish on. Hope this answers your question
Question Two: Why did Tidus and Yuna Break Up????? (This Question comes from Amanda C, and we hope we can
answer this to satisfactory.
To begin with, FFX-2 ended with many diffrent endings, but the overal perfect ending had Yuna and Tidus reunited.
(Spoiler alert for those who haven't gotten the bonus Non Cut scene footage.)
Tidus explaied that the Fayth gathered all his thoughts. Just for Yuna, and that they shouldn't ever seperate.
And Yuna pushes him off the hill into the water on the path leading to the Zanarkand Dome.
To explain this Fic takes place roughly two years later, with Tina, as I'm sure you are aware of. Before that,
Shawna and her entire family via something beyond their controll found themselves in Spira, and were scattered to various
After the family re-united, Tidus and Yuna had some relationship problems, and Tidus turned his attention
to Shawna and dated for a year, and were still dating when Tina showed up.
Now in one of the chapters, Yuna and Lulu have a conversation explaining this. I'll provide a snippet from
that chapter here, for those who may be curios.
When I finally opened my eyes, I just stared at the blue tarp that made the ceiling. I could hear people
talking in the front, and what they were saying was starting to make me think. They were talking about Tidus. I listened a
bit more and realized it was Yuna talking to Lulu.
"Yuna, I know you’re still feeling bad about Tidus dumping you for Shawna but you two were only
19 when he came back. Things change." I heard the clink of beads as Lulu Stood up and moved across the floor to where Yuna
was, because I heard a muffled reply from Yuna.
"I was so sure he was the one. Tidus was the first guy I had ever kissed. He always made me laugh." She
said, and then that’s when I heard it. The tears. The soft sobs that didn’t suit Yuna at all. I sat up and then
walked quietly into the room. Both women were standing by the open tent flap of the lodge and Yuna had her face buried into
the chest of the raven haired woman.
"I understand Yuna, but you have to realize that Tidus developed stronger feelings for Shawna simply because
she was in a similar situation as he was. Granted, it wasn’t just her, it was her entire Family finding themselves here
in Spira not knowing where they were or how to really comprehend how it really happened. They were kindred souls." With that
Lulu wrapper her arms around the crying Yuna and led her out of the Lodge saying, "come now, lets go home and have a rest."
***End Snippet***
In short, when you think with a jolt of reality, a relationship couldn't really be set in stone or firm. Young
people make rash decisions, and often feelings change. The break up happened a Year after Tidus had returned to Spira, and
Yuna when Tina, finally shows up, is still feeling bitter about it a year after that. This totals Two years. Everyone's older,
and changing. I *hope* this is an adaquate explanation.
Next Question hails from one Kierstyn, and she asks. "Will Spira and Earth ever Connect?"
Okay I can only guess that you mean in this little nut job of a fanfic. In all honesty,
I can say with a clear head, that No. The two worlds will never meet, and this
is only because the two worlds are so vastly diffrent.
I'd like to keep Spira as it is.
Next question comes from Jonathan s.
And he askes, a simple question which is:
Did tidus and yuna ever get back together?
Well Jonathan, I'm sure you read the FAQ to date, so we know that in FFX-2, that yes they did getback
together. I can only assume you mean if they ever get back together in my fanfic.
In the near future, I will be honest. No, they don't. But this fanfic, is in fact my special project, and
who knows what the future holds for Yuna and Tidus after Tina (The Fics Main Character.) figures out the answers to all
her questions. After all, who knows what will hapen to Tina at her journey's end?
I'd love to go into more detail about the relationships of the characters in the far future of the Fanfic,
but hey a female writers got to have her secrets. After all, it would spoil the grand finale. *winks*
I can only hope that you will stick it out to the very end of the story. I also hope that if you have been
reading FFX3- After Vegnagun, that you have enjoyed the story so far, and thanks for sending in the question.
This next question comes from lisa and she asks a fanfic related question.
She asks: Why did Tidus get together with Shawna?
Well, I answered this previously in another longer question but it's probably very hard to find. So I'll hash
out the basic reasons.
Creativly speaking, from the writers stand point there are times that yes people fall in love with each other on sight
like Tidus and Yuna did in the game. However, in real life the chances of that first love remaining "true" are very slim.
The overall theme is that Shawna as well, as her family had arrived in spira via some kind of magical accident. I had it
all hashed out a long time ago, but the back story probably needs to be re worked a bit. Regardless Tidus recognized that
Shawna and her brother were in a new land and world they did not know. What happens in most cases in this situation is that
one feels graditude and uses her charms. The other feels threatend and begins to act out in jelousey and not realizing it.
The guy gets caught in the middle.
It’s a story in and of itself, and orginally it was to be included but time retraints forced me to cut it out. There
are plans however, to make a side story of it as soon as the main epic is completed.
We are currently working on more questions and answers for FFX-2.
Below is a form for anybody who might have a question and would like to see it answered.