This one isn't from the game per say, but it was an idea I had after having RP'ed a fanfic idea out with one of my players.
It took me about an hour or so to cut out the Kenny picture, and decide on the fog/smoked glass look.
It's pretty funny. When the fic is done I'll post a link to it.

This one again isn't from the anime world. In fact when I saw the middle picture I was reminded how Max, lived with his
Dad in a Beyblade shop, with a built in Stadium. I recalled how his mother was never around do to her helping out the All
Stars team. So I had to make a wall papper comenting on that fact. If anything, I think he understands what it's like not
to have a parent around.

The focal point of this one is Ray with his hair down. He looks pretty hot when he's like that, and angry.
Nuff said.

XD I don't think this one needs any comentary.
