Alrighty, I once had dice roll stats here, explaining how the system worked, but after some problems with some test players
cheating, I decided that I would do the general rolls. I'm an honest person, so I hope you can TRUST me to make the propper
rolls. I have a copy of the rolls on my sytem here at home, my base of operations for this online RPG game I've been working
on, and hope these tweeks will make game play more fun for you the Players.
All YOU need is to fill out in the below character sheet and send it to me, and keep a copy for yourself.
Players Name:
Player Character's Name:
Experiance needed for Level Up:
Experiance Issued by GM:
HP: *DEFAULT: 100*
Magic spells: (To be issued at descretion of GM)
Abillities: Default Abillities issued upon start, any further abillities to be learned will be issued upon level gaining.
Note: If I think a default abillity is too strong for a level ONE character, I will make it known to you, and we will discuss
a more suitable one for a level one character.
Weapon Skills: (To be filled during game play.)
Item List: (To be filled during game play.)
Weapons List: (To be filled during game play.)
To send in the character sheets, just email them with "Player Character" in the Subject, to
I get lots of spam, and if that isn't in the Subject line I will delete without opening.
DICE Stuff.
All YOU the player needs is a D20.
D20: 1-20 For initiative, (so you don't waste your turn on someone else's turn. It also helps keep track of who goes first.
Higher number ALWAYS goes first. A natural 20 is GOOD, a Natural 1 is BAD) Also The D-20 is used to see if your attack is
successful. (Please declare action first, then the GM will roll to see if it is Sucessful.) Depending on what the NPC Bad
guy gets, it might be a critical or Marginal.
In short, all you need the D20 for is to see when your turn is, and to roll for Damge.
Example for Damage: d20 x 10.