Oct 14th, 2004
I'm sorry folks. I haven't updated this page in such a long time, but things just got so hectic for me. There was Ai-Kon
Winnipeg's Anime Convention, then My daughter got Sick, and then I got sick, then it was her birthday and wow, I've just been
so busy that I've been out of the PGSM Loop. o.O!
I'm sorry folks.
The Sacred Arrow fanlistings are switching over to new owners soon, and so far I've only managed to find the new owner
of the Chisaki One. Thats pretty much all I have the time to do for now.
Thanks for being so patient.
Crystal, aka Chaosmaiden.
July 17, 2004
I've been very busy with the summer holidays lately, but I'd Like to thank the Web Mistress of the Sailor Venus Fansite,
also the site Studio Kawaii, for offering to make such a wonderful banner to use so I could link to her site. YAY!
So thank you Sat, for making such a wonderful banner. ^_^
I've also added a new PGSM Live Journal Icon I made and entered into a contest. It didn't win but somebody had liked
it. ^_^;
July 6th, 2004
I've added a Nephlight Ami Fanlisting. Whoo I just love those two as a couple in PGSM. ^_^
Also the Blue Blood Link has been taken down due to hosting problems.
Sorry about that. The Blue Blood Site was a really good Mercury site. I loved it.
Not much of an Update.
But I am putting a call out to all the Fanlistings.
Those of you who have one or more fanslitings can you PLEASE send me an email of the ones I am apart of? I have a whole
list of bookmarked sites and somehow the ones I haven't joined yet got mixed up with the ones I did Join. o.o!
I'd like to remake my bookmarks on the fanlistings. o.o!
Into two diffrent catagories.
Ones I have joined/Pending, and ones I haven't joined yet.
I can't add the new ones till I know which ones are which.
Thank you very much.
June 27th, 2004
Well first off I have to make a bit of a Correction.
Studio Kawaii as it states on the Banner isn't a sailor Venus Fansite. But that was my own mistake. There should be a
/venus after the main site url.
I've fixed the link, but it will take me some time to get down to fixing the actual banner I had made for the fansite.
One new link. It links to Kyle's fansite Blueblood.
He didn't have any banners to use so I decided to make one. Not exactly my best, but I'm tired desu. I'll be adding more
links soon, after I check to see if the content of each page is suitable for smaller kids. Like the Motoki picture says. A
fans work is never done.
Now I really should be off to bed.
Good Night. Good morning. Sleep has taken flight.
June 23rd, 2004
Well, things sure have been busy.
All I really have time for this update is to add a few more links.
I've added a Link for a Live Journal User's site. It's the Button called Snooky81's BSSM nad PGSM Site. It's
still under construction, but I feel she has pretty much landed a spot.
I've also added more banners to the Live Journal Community section.
Three of them.
There's a fourth on it's way, but I'm waiting to see if the Manager of the Community will be making a banner for it.
She makes wonderful winamp skins, and wall papers. Not only that her site a "Soldiers Effigey was added to the Shingetsu
links list. I have to give props to her. Her site really is well done. Yay for Caitlin!
Not only that the web mistress at eternalwhiteprincess.com has changed her layout.The Tag boards gone, because she was
having problems with people not reading the rules on how to use it.
That's pretty much the whole update.
June 9th, 2004
I've uploaded my Live Journal Icons. Yes they are up for grabs. ^_^
Any Icon you see on this page is meant to be used and shared. Go to the link marked as such for more details.
A new picture in the graphics link. ^^
That is pretty much it.
Chaos Maiden.
June 7th, 2004
I've placed three new links up in the links list, and theres a new graphic in the graphics section.
Things are going to be slow from now on. My gran's in the hospital due to several health problems, and we're all having
problems dealing with issues at hand.
While I will be scouting out more sites to list, and working on the page a whole lot to bring you sites that are useful
and fun, the updates published online may or may not be as frequent as they have been in the last month.
On a side note, I am thinking of starting a fourm to make it more easy for people to keep contact with each other.
Does this sound like a good idea?
Ciao ChaosMaiden.
June 4'th, 2004
It has been a while since I last updated this place. ^^; Very sorry about that.
I added two new graphics to the site. I plan on making more of that kind. As a set. ^_^
I also added the actual home site
www.eternalwhiteprincess.com in the right catagory. Not only does she deal with Music, she also deals with a tag board, and other fun stuff. She even
has downloadable eps on a mirrior site. Granted they are in parts but they work like a dream in Windows Media player. Which
I am thankful for. So I can at least watch the episodes and get the full gist of the episodes. They're Raw mind you so you
might want to pop over to Shingetsu and read the Transcrips. ^_^ Not only that I've applied for an award at
http://www.mysticalsenshi.com/ which I have also added to the links list. It's a very well planned site, and I enjoy poking through it to see what
the webmistess has.
Also, if you think there are sites that I should list feel free to contact me via my live journal chaosmaiden by
leaving a coment in one of my open entries, or you can contact me at my hotmail adress.
That's the update for today folks.
I won't be updating for a few days as this PGSM fan is going to go on a camping trip. So yay for me!
Chaos Maiden.
May 29th, 2004
New link.
Yeap all those randomly placed Images have a permanet home now.
Ofcourse I'm still having problems with the Link list at the bottem of each page. ^^;
Wanting them to be on the Far right, sometimes even tho I choose that option it does not happen.
Oh well what can you do?
Moving on.
I'm still scouting for pages to put up on the links list, and I also have a few more fanlistings to join. Some I recently
joined are still pending. Which is okay.
Most fanlisting maintainers are very very nice.
Thats the update.
Ja matta ne.
Chaos Maiden.
May 27th, 2004
Due to some things that have happened recently the updates to this page may take a little longer then I had hoped. ^_^;
I changed the counter, which last stated I had 80 hits, so take that plus whatever the counter says now.
Also I'm changing each individual page to center around each PGSM Senshi.
With their own color scheme as part of the layout. So don't be suprised if you see some new images just randomly placed
or something.
I'm still tinkering with the lay out, and I'm having fun doing that.
So be expecting a lot of changes in the weeks to come.
I hope you all like what I've put up so far.
Chaos Maiden.
May 25th, 2004
I placed a link to Threelights.net and I have also placed up a new fanlisting, so all you Sailor Luna fans Rejoice. Though
I will admitt that the "What is your Path?" Part of the site has suddenly grown in links. I'm seriously thinking of taking
the Fanlistings and moving them, but then that would mean possibly reupdating my info. ^^; I don't really know.
I really enjoy making this site, and I really enjoy the fact that the maintaintainers of the fanlistings are so nice
about my joining them.
Being a fan like myself, I don't hate any characters, and I like a lot of everything.
There really should be a Tuskino Mama fanlisting, because in my personal opinion she just rocks.
I'd make one but I'm not that apt to be making one.
In any case, I'll be working on sorting out some of the links into more proper catagories, and possibly moving them to
their own sections.
Don't know.
It's just a thought that cropped up last night.
Anyways, I still have to join a majority of the fanlistings in the new fanlisting catagory, but I just haven't found
the time. ^_^;
Needless to say, I do have most of them up and linked to the right locations. So if you want to join them go for it.
May 23'rd, 2004
After taking a few days off to find some more sites, I did find a few, but today it seems I am having trouble uploading
the pictures for the links.
I got two up.
If the updates seem to be behind in schedual it's because I became suddenly busy.
Sorry for that.
May 20th, 2004
Ahh gomen nasai Minna san! *Bows*
Due to the weather here in my end of town (Winnipeg) The internet service to web pages were pretty slow and I couldn't
place up links and the other fanlistings till now.
Needless to say today was a diffrent story. ^_^
I'm still researching and scouting out pages, so if you or anybody else might know of a Link that might help please
do tell me in the guest book or email me.
The more sites I link up, and the more information I get the better.
If you have Live Journal Icons, Winamp skins and or anything you'd like to share, and you have a site with them please
tell me.
I'll be working on that kind of stuff next!
It'll be in it's own link section with catagories of Winamp Skins, Wall papers, and other goodies like that.
Please do contact me.
Arigato Minna San!
Thank you to all who have been to my site!
This makes me very happy.
I hope you all have enjoyed seeing this page grow and become bigger.
I've really Enjoyed making it. It's a very fun site to make.
Ja Ne untill next time!
May 19th, 2004
Well, We've got an update section up!
Moving on, There's a new section under "What is your path?"
It's a new catgory for Actresses and Actors. I'll be placing more up as the day goes on, but right now I'm actually tired.
So It's just the One for Rei Hino.
I'd like to thank the maintainter of this fanlisting for providing me with the links to this fanlisting and their
other ones. *Bows* Arigato Gozimasu!
Yup, this site may look simple, but the time it takes to load up the Links and pictures for the links, and all that is
very well worth it.
In the next few weeks, I'll even have the Japanese sites listed for those fans that want to see them as well.